Hello everyone.
So it has been 3 long months since I last blogged, so sorry about that! It literally feels like 2 weeks, I don't know where the time has gone!
So seeing as I've been gone for so long, I thought I'd do a little post on what has been going on as I do have some big news.
Right, so first off, new job.
So when I was at uni I studied Fashion Business and Promotion and always aspired to have a career in Buying. In March, 6 months after I graduated, I finally got myself a job as a Buyers Assistant at ASOS (I know, dream company right?!) However, it was a temporary contract, but still an adult job.
I loved working at ASOS, met some great people and learned a lot! However my temp contract didn't have an end date so I felt slightly on edge not knowing how long I'd be in my job for.
So I applied for a job at New Look, forgot all about it until they rang me up asking to come for an interview. Less than a week later I was handing in my notice at ASOS and moving to my new role.
I've been there now for 3 months and feel especially the past month I've really settled into the roll and feel confident with what I'm doing. Plus, I'm on the Going Out department, and what girl doesn't love sitting in fit sessions seeing what outfit I might wear on my next night out!
Next big news... *drum rolls*
I'M MOVING TO LANDANNNNNN. *inserts every celebratory emoji there is*
I'm from Milton Keynes which is only 30-40 minutes to Euston but I've always felt more at home in London. Plus since I work there it's going to be soooo good to wake up later than 6am everyday!
I'm not going to lie, it has literally been 4 months of searching! I met a lovely girl on spareroom way back at the end of July and ever since then we've had some obstacles to say the least in our house hunt. Sadly this fell through and I've ended up meeting 2 other lovely ladies to live with which I'm super excited about because the house is so beautiful!
I feel like I'm becoming a proper little adult and my life is coming together just in time for me turning 23 this week. And in the light of ageing another year, I've changed up my hairstyle and got myself a fringe *look right*.
So, I'm officially going to start blogging again, promise! I'm off to Boston on a family holiday on Wednesday for a few days so I'll defo have some outfit posts and major hauls (I've already got a list of makeup I'm buying). So stayed tuned, and god it's good to be back.
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