Monday, 4 January 2016

2016 Goals

Hello everyone.

Happy New Year to you all! I'm still in shock that it's 2016. 2015 went in the blink of an eye.

I am super excited for 2016 though. Back in November myself and 2 other girls found ourselves a house in London and our move in date is only 2 weeks away eeeek! I literally cannot wait to move to London. I feel like I'm finally going to be able to live my life and start having fun again! Milton Keynes is too boring for my liking (soz if anyone reading is from MK).

So, as a new year starts I've got some new goals I'd like to accomplish. My 2 main goals for 2015 which you can read about here were to get my dream job as a Buyers Admin Assistant... tick. The second was to move to London... tick. So fingers crossed my goals for 2016 will go to plan too. 

This year, my goals are both blog and life goals....

1) Increase my social media followers. This is quite a main focus for me as the last 2 weeks or so, at least on Instagram anyway, I've been posting a lot more blog style photos and I'd like my Instagram to look more 'together'. Social media is such a great way to promote my blog and this year I really want to try and get my blog out there as much as possible (as self obsessed as that sounds haha) So if you want to follow my social media just look top right and click away. Also, if you have any tips on how to gain more Instagram followers leave a comment below. As I find it's crazy hard to increase my following on that platform, or is that just me?

2) Meet new people. Now this goal is both blogger community and life in general. I'm so excited to move to London and meet a whole host of different people and hopefully find a family away from home. I'd also love to meet more bloggers and be more involved in the community as I've only been to 1 event in the almost year since I started this blog. Which leads me onto goal 3...

3) Start collaborating with brands and other bloggers. This is another main goal I'd like to accomplish this year. Whether that be getting the chance to review products, interviewing with other bloggers or even just meeting other bloggers for the day and taking outfit shots together. 

4) Drink more water and get healthy. Yes, this was a goal last year and the water side of the goal went quite well for about 7 months of the year then, well, I don't know what happened but my water intake dramatically decreased. My aim is to start having 500ml with breakfast again, 1L at work and another 500ml when I get back home. Notice how I said healthy not fit, well obvs I'd like to get fit, I can barely run up the stairs without having a heart attack, but in general my diet isn't great. Yes, I'm very lucky to be naturally thin but I'm sure my arteries will tell you another story. So, I'm going to eat more fruit, reduce my maccies obsession and cook better meals (well, learn to cook first).

5) My final goal for 2016 is to well, live life. I'm quite a spontaneous person and love going out and enjoying the world, however since I moved back home from uni in July 2014 (God that was forever ago now), I literally just get up, go to work and come home. Now it's not that I don't want to do anything, I desperately do, it's finding the people who will do things with me. I get that people are busy and have their own lives but I'm 23 years old living like I'm 80. So I guess this goal ties in with goal 2.

So heres to a new chapter in my life and hopefully an amazing 2016!

What are your goals for 2016?

x C


  1. I'm the same, meeting new people is a definite! Also got to get my blog game on! X

    Adidas x Pharrel Williams dupes over on -

    1. I feel like I've started 2016 off well so far regarding upping my blog game so hopefully that'll continue haha x

  2. Awesome post and we have similar goals! Although I am trying not to focus on my social media follower number count - increasing the numbers would be awesome! It's such a good way to promote posts like you said!

    - Holly

    1. Yeah completely agree Holly! I've noticed since using the app Buffer my blog has been getting a bit more attention which is great as I love hearing what other people think and ways to improve :)

      x C

  3. Love your goals. I'm the same in the way that I want to meet new people this year.
    Alicia x

    1. Thanks Alicia :) I hope I stick to them as I'd love to get more involved in this fab community!

      x C

  4. Fab goals. I am totally with you on them all. Ha!
    This year I'd really like to focus more on my instagram. what I'm posting, editing them same/having a theme, and trying to link more to my blog.
    I attend more blog events last year which I was really happy with compared to the previous year, so I'd like to keep it up and go to more this year. On the back of that I'd like to also meet more people. It's nice putting an actual face and voice to people you see tweeting and who's blogs you read day in day out. :)

    Al the best to you.


  5. Yes, completely get what you mean by putting face and voice to people haha
    I definitely want to attend more events as I went to one in September but brought my friend along and kind of stuck with her as I was like ahhh who do I talk to haha

    Thanks Caroline, and you!

    x C


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