Thursday, 14 January 2016

It's My Blog Anniversary - Top 5 Posts of 2015

Hello everyone.

Hope your week is going fabulously!

Today is my blogs official 1 year anniversary woooo. I can't believe I've been blogging for a year now! I feel like I've learnt so much and hope to continue to learn and grow as the years go by.

So, today is going to be the last of me talking about 2015 and a bit of reminiscing seeing as it is Ciara's Cupboard's birthday. I've complied my 5 most viewed posts over the past year for those who have only stumbled across my blog today, last week, a few months ago, or for you lovely people who have been with me from the start.

So, number 1....


I still adore this gradual tanner. It's super easy to use and actually works! I was a bit apprehensive what with using it in the shower, but well, I have a lovely natural glow when used. Click the link to read more.

My second most viewed blog was all about me, ya nosey buggers. Just kidding, I love these types of posts as you can learn little things about people that you might not have asked or thought about them. I'm thinking of doing another one, so if there's anything you're dying to know, leave it in the comments section.

Next up was a good old outfit post. I still adore this outfit as it's easy to throw on and looks great. 

I luuuurved writing this post. Bleach London is probably the best salon I've been to! I'm super picky when it comes to who does my hair however with Bleach, if someone who did my hair isn't available I'm fine with that as you know whoever does it will be just as good. Such quality hair stylists in there!

To round up the top 5 is a little post about Coachella. I love seeing what people wear to Coachella as it gives me inspo for what I want to wear to our lovely rainy UK festivals. Still dreaming about going to Coachella one day... need mates who'll go like.

What we're you favourite posts of the year?

x C

Monday, 11 January 2016

Top 5 Beauty Products of 2015

Hello everyone.

Today I'm talking my top 5 beauty products of 2015 (as so written in the title...)

So, lets get straight to it!

The Anastasia Beverly Hills Contour palette in light to medium. Gahh I have been dying to get my hands on this palette for so long and finally bought it when I was in Boston in October, for like half the price may I add. Winning. I genuinely don't know how I lived before I owned this. The shades are perfect for when I'm my natural ghostly shade and great for when I have a tan. 100% worth the investment. I'm considering getting my dad to get me another one when he goes to NYC for work next week just because the price is so much cheaper over there...

Ahhh Jaclyn Hill, how I always wanted to glow in the way you do every YouTube video and now I can. That's right, I'm talking the collab Jaclyn did with Becca. Being a Brit and all, we couldn't get our hands on this beaut until the last few weeks, however I was lucky enough to pick it up in Boston in October. It is the best highlighter I have ever used and a little goes along way! Buy it, you won't regret it.

I luuuurve this next product. The Anastasia Beverly Hill Dip Brow Pomade is a true joy to use. I bought this product this time last year and still have enough to use for another few months (although I am going to get my dad to get me another one). It is so easy to use and you can make your brows look as natural or bold as you like. And as you can see, a little goes a long way!

I was dying to try out a cleansing brush for forever and was lucky enough to be gifted this one by Magnitone back in June. You can read my full review here. I just love how easy it is to use and how clean and soft my skin feels after. I could never go back to using just my hands to rub my cleanser into my skin having used this, nor think how I ever did before.

My final favourite beauty product of 2015 is coconut oil. I feel like 2015 was the year everyone jumped on the coconut band wagon and well, I don't know why we never did before?! I use this all over my hair every Sunday as a hair mask (I'm currently sitting with it on now as I write this post) and leave it in for 5-6 hours before washing my hair as normal and honestly, my hair feels amazing after and when my hair is straight, it looks so shiny and healthy! I've had this tub for about 4 months now and still have loads left, defs worth a buy.

What we're your top beauty products of 2015?

x C


Thursday, 7 January 2016

OOTD: 90's Slip Dress

Hello everyone!

Today I'm sharing my first outfit post of 2016. Weirdly enough, I've adjusted to it being 2016 a lot quicker than normal. Like I've not accidentally written 2015 once *pats back*

Anyway, today's outfit I'm paying homage to one of my favourite eras, the 90's. One of my favourite pieces from that time is the slip dress. Whenever I think slip dress I automatically think my fave gal, Kate Moss. I'll definitely be investing in many slip dresses for the summer.

So for now, here is how I styled one during the colder climate...

Jacket - Vintage Lee
Jumper - Primark
Dress - Urban Outfitters
Boots - eBay

Will you be wearing a slip dress this spring / summer?

x C

Monday, 4 January 2016

2016 Goals

Hello everyone.

Happy New Year to you all! I'm still in shock that it's 2016. 2015 went in the blink of an eye.

I am super excited for 2016 though. Back in November myself and 2 other girls found ourselves a house in London and our move in date is only 2 weeks away eeeek! I literally cannot wait to move to London. I feel like I'm finally going to be able to live my life and start having fun again! Milton Keynes is too boring for my liking (soz if anyone reading is from MK).

So, as a new year starts I've got some new goals I'd like to accomplish. My 2 main goals for 2015 which you can read about here were to get my dream job as a Buyers Admin Assistant... tick. The second was to move to London... tick. So fingers crossed my goals for 2016 will go to plan too. 

This year, my goals are both blog and life goals....

1) Increase my social media followers. This is quite a main focus for me as the last 2 weeks or so, at least on Instagram anyway, I've been posting a lot more blog style photos and I'd like my Instagram to look more 'together'. Social media is such a great way to promote my blog and this year I really want to try and get my blog out there as much as possible (as self obsessed as that sounds haha) So if you want to follow my social media just look top right and click away. Also, if you have any tips on how to gain more Instagram followers leave a comment below. As I find it's crazy hard to increase my following on that platform, or is that just me?

2) Meet new people. Now this goal is both blogger community and life in general. I'm so excited to move to London and meet a whole host of different people and hopefully find a family away from home. I'd also love to meet more bloggers and be more involved in the community as I've only been to 1 event in the almost year since I started this blog. Which leads me onto goal 3...

3) Start collaborating with brands and other bloggers. This is another main goal I'd like to accomplish this year. Whether that be getting the chance to review products, interviewing with other bloggers or even just meeting other bloggers for the day and taking outfit shots together. 

4) Drink more water and get healthy. Yes, this was a goal last year and the water side of the goal went quite well for about 7 months of the year then, well, I don't know what happened but my water intake dramatically decreased. My aim is to start having 500ml with breakfast again, 1L at work and another 500ml when I get back home. Notice how I said healthy not fit, well obvs I'd like to get fit, I can barely run up the stairs without having a heart attack, but in general my diet isn't great. Yes, I'm very lucky to be naturally thin but I'm sure my arteries will tell you another story. So, I'm going to eat more fruit, reduce my maccies obsession and cook better meals (well, learn to cook first).

5) My final goal for 2016 is to well, live life. I'm quite a spontaneous person and love going out and enjoying the world, however since I moved back home from uni in July 2014 (God that was forever ago now), I literally just get up, go to work and come home. Now it's not that I don't want to do anything, I desperately do, it's finding the people who will do things with me. I get that people are busy and have their own lives but I'm 23 years old living like I'm 80. So I guess this goal ties in with goal 2.

So heres to a new chapter in my life and hopefully an amazing 2016!

What are your goals for 2016?

x C
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